We will not offer support for matters relating to general WordPress functionality (creating child themes, fixing permissions etc etc). The forums is the best place to search for and ask questions.
Products (plugins, themes etc) created by third parties, including WPML and other multi-lingual plugins, will also not be supported. In these scenarios you should contact the author of the plugin/theme where the issue lies. If you’re not sure who the author is we will do what we can to find out on your behalf to point you in the right direction.
We won’t support sites hosted on
Support will also not be offered if your found to have violated any of our terms. For example, if you’ve only purchased one license but have used it on multiple sites.
Some import formats require a certain server configuration (extending timeout limits, installing certain packages etc). Any prerequisites will be listed on the requirements page. We are happy to advise on this further but hold no responsibility regarding the hosting package you’re using and have no control over this.
We also will not be responsible for any breakages as a result of updating functionality. We try our best to not make changes which might effect existing sites but sometimes, with a plugin this size, it is inevitable. We always recommend taking a backup before any updates and won’t be liable for re-doing any functionality that’s been lost as a result of not backing up first.
We’re proud of our code and endeavour to make bug-free code by performing as much thorough testing as possible. We will also attempt to trial new features on live websites before releasing functionality to the public. That aside, it’s inevitable that bugs will always appear within software no matter how much you test something.
Bugs that have been spotted by us or reported by our users will always be our top priority and we’ll aim to get them resolved and a new release available as soon as possible, normally within a few days.
When reporting bugs, please provide as much information about how to recreate it as possible, screenshots, and anything you think will help us to resolve the matter quickly. Simply saying “It’s broken” or “It doesn’t work” is not very helpful to anyone.
Response Times
If you’re a PRO user, we’ll get a response to you within 2 business days, however we’ll always endeavour to respond as soon as possible and response times are often much shorter. A ‘business day’ is classed as 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
For users of our free version, we’ll still gladly offer support, however we can’t provide a guarantee on exactly when you’ll get a response. It depends on the level of support currently being experienced, how many queries are pending from pro users, and the nature of your enquiry.