
Installing The Houzez Property Feed Plugin

Automatic Installation

1. Go to the admin area of your WordPress website

2. Navigate to ‘Plugins > Add New‘ from the left menu.

3. Perform a search for ‘Houzez Property Feed

4. Click ‘Install Now‘ next to the relevant result

5. Click ‘Activate

6. The plugin will then be available to use and can be accessed from the left hand menu via ‘Houzez > Import Properties‘ or ‘Houzez > Export Properties‘ depending on whether you’re looking to import or export properties:

Manual Installation

1. Head over to our plugin on the WordPress plugin repository.

2. Click ‘Download‘. This will download a ZIP file onto your computer.

3. Log in to the admin area of your WordPress website.

4. Navigate to ‘Plugins > Add New‘ from the left hand menu

5. Click ‘Upload’ and browse to the ZIP that was downloaded in step 2.

6. Once it’s finished uploading, click ‘Activate‘.

7. The plugin will then be available to use and can be accessed from the left hand menu via ‘Houzez > Import Properties‘ or ‘Houzez > Export Properties‘ depending on whether you’re looking to import or export properties: